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ID Safe - How to Protect Your Information Online

ID Safe, offered by TrustedID, is a free identity theft protection service that helps you protect your information online. It offers a wide range of features including a Dark Web Personal Data Monitor, credit card checker and a password checker.

This service is a part of the Digital Privacy Suite. The Suite includes a secure browser, password manager and a Secure VPN.


IdentityForce offers a range of monitoring services to detect any suspicious activity tied to your name, social security number or bank account information. It also monitors the dark web, court records and sex offender registries.

The service also has a mobile app that scans your phone for malicious apps and insecure Wi-Fi locations. It also provides a virtual private network (VPN) to help keep your data safe.

The website lists two personal plans, and the pricing is competitive with competitors. However, no a la carte options are offered on the site, which means you might end up paying for features you don't really need.

Dark Web Personal Data Monitor

The dark web is a hidden part of the Internet that's only accessible through special software. It's also the place where personal data is sold or distributed by criminals.

The danger of the dark web is that it may be where your personal information is leaked to cybercriminals who then use it to steal your identity or make fraudulent purchases online.

ID Safe monitors the dark web to see if your personal information from a data breach is being sold or distributed on this network. It then notifies you if it's found so you can take action to protect yourself.

Free dark web scanning services are a good start, but they're not enough to keep you secure. Instead, you need an all-in-one digital security solution that includes credit monitoring, identity protection and dark web monitoring.

Credit Card Checker

A Credit Card Checker is an online tool that lets you verify your credit card's information at the click of a button. It does this by applying a series of algorithms to the card's details.

The tools can also provide other useful insights like the PIN of your card or its Major Industry Identifier (MII) number.

The most useful part is that you can use this CC checker anywhere without paying a single penny as long as you have internet access. The software is compatible with Android, iOS, Windows, and Linux devices.

Password Checker

Passwords are an important part of internet security and it’s essential that they are strong. They should be long (comprising at least 12 characters), random, and include a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.

A password checker is a good tool to use for testing the strength of your passwords. However, it’s important to understand that these tools can only give you a general idea of how strong your password is.

ID Safe’s Password Checker is a free password security tool that gives you a general score and complexity rating. It also provides feedback on your password, so you can improve it.

Junk Mail Opt-Out

Unwanted mail is a major problem that affects everyone. It kills countless trees, costs a lot of energy, and causes unnecessary stress to the planet.

However, you can do something about it by opting out of junk mail. This way, you will receive the most relevant and targeted mail pieces.

To do this, you should opt out of catalogs, credit offers, and magazine offers that you do not want to receive. There are several free tools that will help you do this, such as DMAchoice and the Do Not Mail List.