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Basiellc LLC - How to Form a Limited Liability Company

The first thing to do when setting up an LLC is to designate a county in New York State as its primary location. The boroughs of New York City are located in New York County, while Queens and the Bronx are located in Richmond County. An LLC must also designate a Secretary of State as its agent for service of process. Process is any paper that gives the LLC jurisdiction in a legal action.

Name your LLC with a unique name. There are many ways to do this, and most states will let you reserve a name. You can search online directories, county clerks' offices, and the secretary of state's website to find a name that is not already in use. While a unique name is preferred, LLCs can also be named using abbreviations or other designations. However, the most important thing to remember is that your LLC must contain the word "limited liability company" at the end of its name.

Once you have created a business entity, you must apply for an employer identification number (EIN). This number is required to open bank accounts and file income and employment taxes. An EIN is also required to register with state labor departments. You should also obtain a business license, which grants you authority to conduct operations within your city limits. You can also register your LLC with the Secretary of State's office. A business license can help you manage your company more effectively. Blog Image