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This floor lamp is very well made, beautifully designed, beautifully finished and looks amazing. The marble base is heavy which helps keep the lamp secure. The lamp is very very sturdy. Yes, you have to read the assembly instructions carefully. It comes with everything you need for assembly. It is tall enough to stand upright without bumping your head and the LED bulb is bright and good for reading. I would recommend Bilyhomes to anyone without reservation.
Date of experience: September 25, 2024
"About Bilyhomes Review"
This lamp is so beautiful, mid-century modern design and I love the quality. It is so eye-catching!! I love it over my island, it looks so stylish and it is very bright with the LED bulb. I bought a few of these lamps from Bilyhomes and my family loves them. The price is also very reasonable. If you want your home to look expensive, get this lamp!!
Date of experience: August 28, 2024
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