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Despite their differences the Brimad Elder Tree Fairies work closely with their northern kin in Hamis. However, they do not like other races, especially humans.

Elder Tree Fairy

The elder is a spirit of transformation. It embodies the energy of the 13 Celtic moon months: fading light, a time of transition, crossing thresholds. Elder flowers and berries are known to aid in clairvoyance. The wands that witches used to wear were made of elder wood, and they also carried its leaves and berries into the otherworld on their broomsticks.

Fairies of elder tree Hamis are reclusive but friendly, guiding lost hunters home and sneaking into villages to play with children. They are known to be sensitive to flutes made of elderwood and to carry a potent medicine that can heal the sick. People often hung a piece of elder from their front door for protection against evil and hung bunches of its leaves by their barns for its fly-repellent properties.

Hatred of Humans

Hatred is a negative feeling that can lead to isolation and depression. It can also interfere with your ability to connect with others and enjoy life. If you hate people, you should seek therapy to help you overcome this feeling. You can learn to recognize cognitive distortions and practice empathy to combat irrational hatred.

A person who hates all or most of humanity is called a misanthrope. This is a negative evaluative attitude toward humans that is based on their flaws and shortcomings.

This type of thinking is irrational and often involves all-or-nothing thinking. It can be a form of racism or discrimination. You can avoid these types of irrational thoughts by practicing empathy and nuance. You can also try to understand why other people act differently from you.

Hatred of Elf

The brimland fairies are so devoted to their elder trees that they rarely ever leave the enchanted forests. When they do it is only to patrol their territory and the surrounding wilderness for signs of outsiders – human or other.

The rare Brimies that journey to the outside world are outcast from their home and a ritual is performed severing the fairy’s connection to Brimad forever. It is considered a fate worse than death.

This is what makes it so hard for me to suspend disbelief when a player complains that Blizzard is kicking Night Elf players while they are down. First Sylvanas genocide then letting them lose to Tyrande in every way possible – it’s just not right.

Hatred of Aos si

The Aos si, also known as faeries and daoine sidhe, are descendants of the Tuatha De Danann. They are powerful, supernatural creatures who resemble elves or fairies and can be both good and evil.

They are said to inhabit hollow hills and fairy forts, or even in an invisible world that co-exists with our own. They have magical powers associated with natural forces and are often described as stunningly beautiful.

The aos si are fierce guardians of their abodes and will retaliate against anyone who infringes upon them. Tales of them kidnapping trespassers and replacing them with changelings are common in folklore. They can also bring disease and misfortune to humans. They are also able to communicate with the dead and can warn of impending death by wailing and keening.

Hatred of Hamis

Despite being disowned by her family, pressured by the Muslim community and hated by her peers Hamis Juma continues to share the message of Jesus. She even got arrested in 2019 because she refused to take off her niqab veil while working for an NGO. Ahmad claims she no longer believes in the extremist ideology of IS, but her community doesn’t believe her and she was unable to find a job in her community.

IMFC is supporting a network of disciples like Hamis across Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan and DR Congo. Please pray that the Lord would encourage them, provide for their needs and protect them as they run with the message of Christ! Xavier Mpanga leads the IMFC work in Nairobi, which is home to some of the largest slums in the world.