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Book a Day Out at Bunnyland

Whether you are a family looking to have a day out or a group of people who want to get away from the city, bunnyland.ws is the perfect location for you. The site will offer you a wide range of services and facilities that will allow you to have the time of your life. The website has information about the costs and hours of operation, as well as locations and FAQs. It's easy to find all the information you need and you can book a day out today.


Located on a four-acre farm, Wittman's Rabbitry is a family run business that sells rabbits to individuals as pets and to scientific laboratories. In addition, they provide pony rides, Easter eggs, and face painting. The admission price for Bunnyland is $7.50 per child, and you can purchase season passes at any time. This is a fun, family event that is weather dependent.

Bunnyland is also home to the Easter Bunny, who loves to take pictures and give out treats. During the weekend, the bunny will be around between 11 am and 4 pm. There are several Easter egg hunts at different areas of the farm, as well as chicken feeding and goat feeding. There are also port-a-potties, and food for sale.

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