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What is a Chimera?

What is Chimeron?

A chimera is an organism that contains cells with different genotypes. It can occur in a variety of different ways, including organ transplantation and mutations. It can also happen naturally, as with hermaphroditism in humans.

The term is derived from the Greek word for a hybrid monster, like a lion and a goat with a snake tail. It can be a frightening image, but it also represents our own hopes for unity.

Normally, we have cells that contain only our own DNA. However, a genetic condition called chimerism can break this rule. If a mother has fraternal twins, then one embryo may die during gestation. The surviving twin can then absorb some of its dead twin’s DNA. This is what happens in a blood chimera.

Non-twins can also be chimeric, because of what is known as vanishing twin syndrome. This occurs in 5% of pregnancies. The surviving twin can then absorb some sperm and egg cells from its deceased twin.