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How ChimeraCounter Can Identify Chimeras

What is Chimeron ID?

Chimera formation occurs when different parental tissues from a single plant are grafted to another (genetically distinct) plant. The resulting chimera contains both parent tissues and is reflected in LC/MS/MS spectra as unidentifiable fragment ions originating from the contaminating parents. This phenomenon is common in environmental samples, where it can reduce the overall accuracy of protein identification workflows by degrading OTUs and diversity estimates. ChimeraCounter, a software program developed by NCBI, detects and flags chimeras in MS/MS data sets collected on Orbitrap/LTQ instruments. Figure 2 shows an example of a chimera in a 3a/b-HST wild-type plant, with the amino acid sequences from each parental tissue highlighted in black and gray, respectively.

What are the benefits of Chimeron ID?

In biology, chimeras are creatures that have features from two or more different species. They are real animals and can be found in nature, where they can sometimes be dangerous. Chimeras can also be created in the lab, where researchers mix genes from different animals to create a new organism. Chimeras can be difficult to identify, but there are a few ways to do so. One way is to look for features that are only present in one species. Another way to identify a chimera is by looking at its DNA.

In LC/MS/MS data sets, chimeras can cause problems with protein identification because they can contain unidentifiable fragment ions from the contaminating parent sequences. In order to avoid chimeric artifacts, it is important to use an algorithm that detects these contaminating sequences. Chimeron ID is an efficient and accurate tool that detects chimeras in protein identification data sets from Orbitrap/LTQ instruments.

How can Chimeron ID help you?

Although chimeras are often seen as mythical creatures, they are actually real animals. They are created when two different species of animals combine their DNA to form a single creature. Scientists can identify chimeras by their appearance, as they usually have features that are not found on one animal alone.

In order to identify chimeras, it is important to know how they are classified. Chimeras can be classified as either fusion proteins or hybrid proteins. They can also be classified based on their sequence reference differences (_struct_ref_seq_dif, SEQADV). In order to determine this, it is necessary to use an automatic docking program such as UCSF Chimera or Autodock Vina. Blog Image