About Dimax.one
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Site Information
3 total
"Dimax is a great company for arbitrage"
It is difficult to choose the right strategy, but if you are an experienced trader it will not be a problem for you. I leave 5 stars - My experience is great
Date of experience: November 02, 2023
"Dimax one review"
For 3 weeks I have been doing research on a young and fast growing company called DIMAX ONE. I was looking for a catch and CEO because there is a lot of scam these days and I am ready to answer your questions. The company has been active for over 6 months (According to my data) The CEO does not hide his identity it is trustworthy, the company does not hide its commissions and the fact that it takes a portion of your profits - The transparency of the capital is trustworthy and also show the location. My verdict Bravo dimax bravo!
Date of experience: January 04, 2024
"The site looks great, the withdrawal was very fast"
It is immediately obvious that the company has done everything qualitatively. The site looks great, the withdrawal was very fast
Date of experience: January 04, 2024
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