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Le blog est destine à apprendre aux internautes à dessiner les personnages féminins ou masculins dans le style mignon d'anime ( chibi ). Il contient aussi des conseils pratiques et faciles à suivre pour progresser rapidement en dessin.

Les histoires et l'apprentissage d'une métier artistique sont très différentes. Mais chacun peut trouver un apprentissage adapté à son niveau de connaissances.

Tips for beginners

The pencil, gomme and crayon de bois are becoming increasingly obsolete in favour of the tablets and computers we have at our disposal. These new tools allow us to unleash our creativity a great deal more quickly than was previously the case, making it possible to get a lot more done in a shorter period of time.

La compréhension de la perspective est particulièrement importante pour réaliser un bon dessin en 2 dimensions. Sans cela, vos dessins seront drôles et vous seront limités à représenter une seule face des choses.


Le Spleen de Paris, petits poemes en prose is a collection of short works by Baudelaire that was published after his death. Although he himself did not refer to this collection as poetry, critics and editors have often described it as such. The collection reflects the poet's ambition to forge a new poetic language, and it is characterized by the use of traditional themes and techniques in conjunction with novel ideas and inspiration.

One of the most important elements in this work is the idea that modern life can be an inspiration for art. For example, in "Le Peintre de la vie moderne," the poet writes that he can draw on his experiences of "les tuyaux, les clochers, ces mats et autres tuyaux" to create "de mes pensers brulants un atmosphere tiede." The result is an original work that combines traditional prosody and theme with modern subject matter. Blog Image