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Need to donwload an antifact from last success build in another branch

Artifacts are files that are stored for use during the process. They are not accessible after they are deleted. You can define a list of artifacts that are passed between stages of a build. When you upload an artifact, it is encoded using Java URLEncoder. Its filename is stored in the artifacts service. You can view these artifacts in the Artifacts tab of the Job page.

In addition to storing and passing artifacts, you can store and pass dependencies between builds. This is useful if your project requires a build to succeed to proceed to the next stage. CI/CD logging can provide a good deal of information about how artifacts are uploaded, which can help you to diagnose issues and resolve them. For example, if the build fails, you can examine the job log to see which build artifacts failed and why.

If you are using a self-managed runner, you can set a storage retention limit for your artifacts. You can also disable this behavior for your entire project, or for a specific task. Blog Image