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SUS Link - Promoting Excellence in Healthcare

SUS Link was founded in 1994 and started by providing scholarships to medical scholars from Eastern European countries such as Slovakia and the Czech Republic. These scholars were selected based on their qualifications and experience, then provided access to advanced education in the United States. They were also given much needed healthcare materials and equipment to help them succeed in their field.

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SUS Link is a charity dedicated to the promotion of excellence in the delivery of healthcare everywhere through the sharing of knowledge, skills and best practices. Created in 1994 by Dr Dagmar Horvath and Mr Jan Hedera, and later incorporated as a US 501(c)(3) charity, SUS Link initially focussed on benefiting scholars from Slovakia and the Czech Republic who were historically disadvantaged compared to their American counterparts. Today, the charity continues along this same path by providing much needed educational materials to disadvantaged healthcare organizations that are limited by funds or access, such as medical tools and reference materials for pediatric orthopedic surgery. Blog Image