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4 total
I realized that I can trade only one asset with effectiveness. I always remember important economic indicators and I remember what level the price of Gold is at now. All my analytics are also focused on this financial instrument and I feel that such trading is really profitable. As for trading conditions, I like that this asset is traded without commission. And size of leverage allows me to get good profit. T4Trade consider the volatility of Gold and therefore size of leverage is appropriate. Although spreads are sometimes a little wide
Date of experience: October 21, 2024
"No commissions"
I will not hide and honestly write that my decision to open trading account with T4Trade was based on the fact that trading account in this company has no commissions. I understand that such trading is more profitable. I can open many orders and each order will not affect with commissions on my margin. I don't have basic trading strategy yet. And so I can, for example, use scalping in trading or other strategies that can be effective under such conditions.
Date of experience: October 16, 2024
"My first deposit"
I chose a standard trading account and I think I have a lot of things that I need to learn about trading and financial markets. Recently I made my first deposit through a bank card and fortunately, everything worked pretty well and without heavy troubles!
Date of experience: August 04, 2024
T4trade cent account wth 1:1000 leverage and 0.01 min lot size is one of the best options to commence yourself into the target activity. The thing is that with these conditions you almost can’t lose your money but you get to tarde in the real trading environment which is priceless. On the downside you won’t earn anything too. But the beginning phase is not about earning. It’s about cutting losses to the maximum.
Date of experience: July 14, 2024
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