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What is a Trader?

What is a trader?

Traders buy and sell financial instruments on the world's stock markets, derivatives markets or commodity markets. They are either professionals working for a financial institution or corporation earning salary and bonus or self-employed individuals trading with their own money and credit.

Depending on their skills and preferences, traders can specialize in one or several markets including stocks (shares of a company), currencies, commodities, options and ETFs. They usually spend their time scanning the market with the help of a sophisticated software to find profitable opportunities.

They are often distinguished from investors by the duration of their trading operations. Swing traders hold their positions open for longer periods of time, while day traders typically trade within a single trading session. Traders also manage risks related to their profession by using hedging strategies. This way, they can minimise potential losses from price fluctuations or adverse market conditions. Moreover, they can make profit from speculative returns generated by short-term price movements.

What is a broker?

A broker is an intermediary that helps you perform financial transactions, such as purchasing or selling something. Brokers are found in many industries, such as insurance, real estate, and finance. They can be individuals who work with clients one-on-one or firms that provide brokerage services for their customers.

Regardless of industry, brokers generally must complete training and pass a formal exam before being allowed to work. In addition, brokers must have good people skills and be willing to spend time building relationships with potential customers. They are also required to comply with regulatory authorities based on the type of brokerage and jurisdiction.

Brokers make money by charging a commission each time they buy or sell an investment. They may also charge fees for other services, such as account maintenance and recommendation services. Online discount brokers typically charge lower fees for trades of equities and exchange-traded funds. However, full-service brokers offer a more comprehensive set of services and may have higher fees than online brokerages. Blog Image