About Sunny-shopee.com
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2 total
"If you don't complete all the task , please don't say that sunny shopee is scam"
Sunny Shopee is really good platform. I receive money with high commission and I'm also a part employee of this platform. First I think it was a scam but after I complete all the task and I can withdraw immediately . Now I can get income from this platform from 3000-5000 per day. Thank Sunny Shopee
Ok prove to me that its not a scam send me the address ang contact number of this company. I did finish the task butbthis tutor named kembang always ask money and always promise that i can widraw but still rejected and your telling menits not a scam? And to the customernservice of this company no response and never answer queations and your telling me that?
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SSL certificate ensures secure communication between your computer and the website. There are scammers online who try to get free SSL certificates. Sunny-shopee.com has received 2 user reviews. If you have tried the site, you can read them and leave comments. You should also be aware of the security measures Sunny-shopee has. There are two ways to protect yourself when using this website: don't click on any links without SSL, and make sure the site has a valid domain name.