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The Meaning of the Word "Unique"

Unique entered English around the start of the 17th century and originally meant "only one" or "without equal." It was later used in a figurative sense, and the comparative adjective unique became common.

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Unique means different from any other in a class, type, or situation: A unique work of art; a unique person. It also refers to a characteristic that sets something apart from others of its kind or class: Identical twins may look similar but they are unique in mannerisms, temperament, intelligence, etc.

The word entered English around the 17th century and was originally used in an absolute sense (see 1). By the mid-19th century, it had taken on a wider meaning, not typical or unusual, and is now compared in this sense with other words and expressions: The foliage of these late-blooming plants is more unique than that of earlier varieties.


Unique (like unicorn for a creature with one horn and unicycle for a cycle with one wheel) comes from the Latin prefix uni-, meaning “one.” When something is unique, it is the only one of its kind. Even identical twins are different in their appearance and in their mannerisms, intelligence, and other qualities that make them unique individuals.

The earliest meanings of unique, when the word entered English around the 17th century, were single or sole and having no equal: a masterpiece unique in all the world; a copy of an ancient manuscript unique in its type; Bach’s handling of counterpoint is unique in its style. By the mid-19th century, however, unique had developed a wider sense of not typical or unusual: The foliage on the new variety is more uniquely beautiful than that on earlier varieties. This usage is standard. Comparative adjectives such as more, very, and absolutely can be used with unique in this sense.


The word unique entered English around the 17th century with the earliest meanings of "single, sole" and "having no equal." By the mid-19th century it had developed a wider sense of not typical or unusual.

The UNIQUE function returns the set of unique values in a list or range. It is similar to sort but differs in that sort can return the items in a particular order, while uniq does not.

Uniq has several options that affect its behavior: -c : It prints the number of times each line was repeated; -d : It only prints the duplicate lines; -f N : Skips N fields (a field is a group of characters delimited by whitespace) while determining uniqueness. -i : Ignores case: By default, comparisons are case sensitive but with this option they are not.

Columns that have the UNIQUE constraint automatically have an index created for them. If you drop this index, it will also drop the UNIQUE constraint on that column.